Measuring Length and Height Using Non-Standard Units - Worksheet

Year 1
Measuring Length and Height Using Non-Standard Units - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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The "Measuring Length and Height Using Non-Standard Units" worksheet is a practical maths resource that introduces primary school children to the concept of measurement without the use of standard units such as centimetres or metres. Instead, it encourages pupils to use everyday objects as measuring tools. The worksheet presents a series of engaging tasks where students are asked to determine the length and height of various illustrated items, such as a crocodile or a hippo, using non-standard units like cubes, lolly sticks, and blocks. For example, they might be asked to measure how many cubes long a crocodile is or how many lolly sticks tall a bucket stands. The worksheet provides spaces for students to record their answers in terms of the number of cubes, lolly sticks, or blocks used.

Complementing the worksheet is a class activity that further explores the concept of estimating and measuring length and height within the classroom environment. Students are prompted to use parts of their body (hands, feet), classroom objects (pencils, blocks), and other non-standard units to measure items around them. Before taking the actual measurements, they are encouraged to make an educated guess, or estimate, of the length or height of each item. This activity not only aids in understanding measurement but also hones estimation skills. The class activity sheet provides a structured table where students can document their estimated guesses alongside the actual measurements they find using the non-standard units, offering a clear and interactive way for children to engage with maths and understand the practical applications of measurement in everyday life.

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